
About the Foundation

The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation is the leading nonprofit organization focused on research and improving the quality of life for the millions of Americans living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The Foundation has played a role in every major research breakthrough in IBD, bringing together best-in-class partners from around the globe to discover game-changing therapies. We are the trustworthy source for online and in-person education, guidance, and support for IBD patients and their families, medical professionals, and the public.

Advancing Towards Cures

Discoveries made possible by Foundation funding have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of IBD leading to all classes of effective treatments currently available to patients, improving patient care and quality of life.

Healthcare Professionals

88,000 healthcare professionals use our resources

Studies Funded

200+ studies funded by the Foundation in 2022 alone

Research Investment

Nearly half a billion dollars invested in research to date

Section Title

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Round Up To Help Out!

Join Smart Baking Company in our new initiative to support the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation! Round up your purchase at checkout, and your donation will go directly to this important cause. Help us in our collective mission to have a world free from IBD. Round Up Today!

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